How Custom Pins Can Elevate Your Corporate Brand

Recognizing performance from your best employees can go far beyond a simple pat on the back or a certificate. With an all-star recognition pin, you can show your customers and new team members who your stand-out stars are...
Custom Pins
May 18, 2021
How custom pins can elevate your corporate brand - Galaxy Design Squad - Blog

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Recognize Your All-Star Employees

Recognizing performance from your best employees can go far beyond a simple pat on the back or a certificate. With an all-star recognition pin, you can show your customers and new team members who your stand-out stars are, from customer service to excellent reviews or fast, error-free production. Corporate pin designs can vary and can include any type of merit you wish, yet be professional enough so that your employees can proudly wear the pin as part of their uniform each day.

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Custom Pins For Every Milestone

Do you want to give your employees a special first-anniversary pin, to commemorate their service? You can also include three, five, and even ten-year pins, allowing your veterans to display their service with pride. Or, you may wish to have pins that designate brand ambassadors, those who have achieved a certain number of positive reviews, or ones who have a specialty training accomplishment, such as a certified trainer.

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Pin Designs – Designed For You!

Pin designs for brands can include both the company logo and the kind of honor that you’re giving. We can work with your company logo and color scheme, as well as your ideas for the overall look of each pin design. The sky is the limit with our creative team!

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Build Employee Loyalty and Pride In Their Job

Giving your outstanding performers something tangible for their achievements, beyond any other kind of bonus that you set, shows that you want to perineally honor their performance. With our pin designs for brands, you can make sure that your star performers are reminded of their achievements each day, motivating them to keep performing at the optimum level. Plus, when you visibly acknowledge people who go above and beyond, or who have worked for your company for many years, you’re showing that you, as a business owner, understand their commitment and performance.

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Galaxy Design Squad Works For You!

At Galaxy Design Squad, we take pride in our craftsmanship of custom pins for every kind of business and occasion. Our corporate pin designs can include your company logo, or simply enhance your branding and color scheme. Whatever milestone you set, whether it’s the length of service or an acknowledgment of superior service, we can make it happen! Visit our gallery online for inspiration or chat with one of our friendly client care representatives to learn more!


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