3 Benefits of Choosing Silk Screen Printing for Your Custom Pin

By leading the industry as the world’s best enamel pin manufacturer, we have the opportunity to work with some of the most incredible companies and corporations, and are excited to be partners in bringing their visions to reality.
Custom Pins
December 15, 2021
3 Benefits of Choosing Silk Screen Printing for Your Custom Pin

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When it comes to your vision for the perfect custom pin, one manufacturing method that stands above the rest for seamless production is silk screen printing. Created with a delicate layering process, silk screen pins are known for their design clarity and vibrant colors, making them an excellent way to showcase the complex custom concepts required by many businesses and organizations. What are some of the impressive benefits of choosing silk screen printing for your custom pins?

Smooth Surface

While some pins are manufactured using metal outlines to create natural borders between colors, silk screen pins are different in that they offer the beautiful design element of a totally smooth surface. Silk screening pins is a process very similar to silk screening garments, a design practice that originated in China or Japan in the 900’s. In antiquity, silk was stretched between two paper stencils and a brush was used to press ink through. Although we use advanced processes to create exact, custom stencils, our silk-screening process still involves the delicate layering of high-quality ink onto the surface of the pieces. Silk screening allows for a much more cohesive design, and protective clear coating results in a naturally shiny finish.

Color and Contrast

The metal borders typical of other styles of pins are in place to separate individual color deposits, but without those additional edges, it’s possible to achieve much greater contrast and bolder color because the high-quality pigments are layered on each other on the surface of the pin. Because of these benefits, silk screen lapel pins are an excellent choice for defining the text and logos of company brands, and those organizations that must strictly maintain color and image standards with a bright and lustrous finish.

Custom Designs

Most of the products created by Galaxy Design Squad are custom designs, and when it comes to creating an exceptional representation of the visualized image, silk screen pins offer excellent options for both shape and detail. Silk screen lapel pins are easily made into custom sizes and shapes, which creates additional opportunities to create a unique and memorable piece. Also, since they are created with custom stencils one layer at a time, the result is a design that covers the entire surface of the pin with the potential to capture an incredible level of detail and color separation.

Your Silk Screen Printing Solution

At Galaxy Design Squad, we use years of design and manufacturing experience to help you create the perfect custom lapel pin for your company’s needs. With a variety of options, sizes, and price points, we are happy to work with you from the very first conceptual drafts and through the entire design process, and promise reliable, free air shipping within the continental US to deliver the finished pieces. Contact us today with your questions and to start a design for your next project!


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