World Mental Health Day 2018

Mental Health is one of the biggest problems facing society today. This is not just an issue here in the United States, but it is a worldwide epidemic.
October 10, 2018
mental health awareness

mental health day awareness

Mental Health is one of the biggest problems facing society today. This is not just an issue here in the United States, but it is a worldwide epidemic. It is a scary disease that can affect anyone from professional athletes, Hollywood elites, world leaders, to those that you love and treasure the most. I know at some point in time everyone in this world goes through some sort of depression or issues, as I have experienced this feeling numerous times. It is an uneasy feeling, you question yourself constantly, and think you offer little worth to the world. The things that have helped me in my toughest moments are my loved ones, being a shoulder of support, offering a kind word, or just showing me how much they love and believe in me. For those who cope with mental illness, here are some other great ways to help get through the daily struggle.

    1. Schedule a therapy session – Talking to a professional can help relieve some of the burden you may carry around, and their outside perspective may shine some light on your situation, showing you it’s not as bad as it may seem.
    2. Workout – Go for a run, lift some weights, just get your body moving. Exercise will help clear your head and make you feel better both mentally and physically.
    3. Put your phone down – Take a break from looking at your phone and everyone’s so called perfect lives on social media. Read a book instead, and enjoy some time just loving yourself, because you deserve to be loved.
    4. Get Some rest – Go to bed earlier, getting a good night of quality sleep can do wonders to improve your outlook on things.
    5. Take a Vacation – Take a trip and use those vacation days to get out of the daily grind. Find a local retreat or some exotic environment. Most of all, just change your surroundings and enjoy life, as we all deserve happiness.
    6. Eat Clean – Drop the fast food, and try some super foods such as Salmon or avocados. Remember the saying: You are what you eat? Put the best fuel in your body, and your body and mind will thank you.

There are many people out there to help if you are having issues: friends, family, even strangers! There is a lot of love in this world, and you deserve to be loved! Most importantly love yourself. If you have a friend or family member struggling with mental illness, be there for them, offer a kind word, gesture, or a simple hug. You may just be saving their life without even knowing it. From all of us here at Galaxy Design Squad, we wish you all nothing but LOVE!

If you’ve had thoughts of suicide or self-harm or know someone who is in crisis, or if you just need to talk to someone, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741.

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