3 Challenge Coin Styles that Make an Impact

When creating challenge coins for your team, style and design should be the main consideration. We will cover a few factors to consider when designing a challenge coin and help you choose the styles that meet your budget.
Custom Coins
March 11, 2021
challenge coins styles that make an impact - dog tag, medallion, bottle opener

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When creating challenge coins for your team, style and design should be the main consideration. A good design, combined with quality materials, can together create a custom challenge coin that proudly carries the message of your observance, your celebration, or your commemoration.

We will cover a few factors to consider when designing a challenge coin and help you choose the styles that meet your budget:

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Challenge Coin Design Elements to Put Into Consideration

1. Artwork

The art and wording you choose should express the purpose, spirit, and interest behind the coin. When looking for ideal artwork, consider using the unit or company logos and colors that match your organization.  A simple sketch or PowerPoint is all we need to get a design started. We use solid coated pantone colors to match your unit or company’s logos.

2. Type of enamel

Coin enamel types can either be soft enamel or hard enamel. Soft enamel is most common for challenge coins and more economical, but hard enamel can be implemented depending on your preference or for designs where silk screens are needed.

3. Plating color

You should choose a metal plating color that works with your artwork and enamel colors. Some of the most popular plating colors include silver and gold, though antique-looking options can work great, too! The right choice of plating guarantees an outstanding challenge coin that you can achieve with or without enamel color.

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3 Challenge Coin Styles that are Unique and make your coin stand out!

Whether for a marathon, adventure, race, academic achievement, or police or military award, here are three ways to make your challenge coin styles standout to commemorate achievement and give it a unique look and feel.

Dog tag style

The dog tag style is one of the most familiar and easily recognizable custom shapes for most people. Dog tag challenge coins offer many benefits, whether intended for use as a bottle opener or a commemorative event. Some designs feature a hole for wearing on a key or neck chain. Apart from the primary use of military dog tags as identifying elements, coins shaped like dog tags often capture a soldier’s military experience and memories.

Custom bottle opener style

Challenge coin bottle openers offer revolutionary and personal designs. Essentially, a custom coin bottle opener shares similarities with standard challenge coins. The difference is that an area of the coin is cut away to create the bottle opener. Internal bottle opener designs feature a hole and tooth cut into the middle of the challenge coin or any other position. Your choice of design will depend on the primary purpose of the coin and the metal used. You can go for metals that allow for the creation of elaborate 3D designs and detailed custom shapes. The best part about this is that the recipient will appreciate the multi-use functionality of this style challenge coin!

Medallion style

Custom Medallion challenge coins are designed and made for several types of events such as races and marathons, or achievements made in the line of military, paramedic, or emergency services. Your medallion can depict anything and have myriads of different shapes, from oval to rectangular or square to your own custom shape. These challenge coins are also designed for academic awards for graduation ceremonies.

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If you’re looking for the best prices on custom challenge coins, contact Galaxy Design Squad. We produce exceptional custom challenge coins for police, military, firefighters, and everyone else who wants to commemorate special occasions with a custom coin. For more details contact us today!


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